Maximize Your Kingdom Influence
Dates: Aug, 25-27
Location: Kings Courts Ministries 209 N Broad Street Fayetteville, NC 28301
Maximize Your Kingdom Influence aids us with leveraging the church and the marketplace together. This conference focused on Apostolic Campaigning.
On August 25, Apostle Andrea ministered the word. On
August 26, Apostles Sam and Andrea facilitated a
workshop comprised of four sessions:
Unlocking Your DNA
Understanding God’s Plan
Seizing Your Purpose with Others
Accomplishing God’s Objectives
On August 27, Apostle Sam preached the word and closed the conference.
Take Aways
25 August:
Learned how to see ourselves as God sees us!
26 August:
Discovered how to apply core beliefs, aligning with God’s goals for our lives!
27 August:
To advance the kingdom, we must remove some obstacles inside of us!
“This conference has been amazing! It has taught me that I need to see myself as God sees me, my gift is needed and is wanted in the kingdom. He has chosen me and equipped me!”
Mother April Peterson — Kings Courts Ministries
“It was amazing! Honestly, praise and worship were amazing. The word came forth, Apostle Samuel Hayes brought the word very fervently and effortlessly. I am grateful to him and the words he spoke to me really hit home and he let me know that I am chosen; I am grateful to God for that.”
Sister Charmaine Haywood — Kings Courts Ministries
“It was totally awesome. Some much insight was given by Apostle Hayes’s. They dug inside and opened things inside of us that we need to address to advance in both in the Kingdom and marketplace.”
Minister Amada Black — Kings Courts Ministries
“I don’t even know where to start. I can truthfully say this conference has been a blessing. All the information received, the available resources, and knowing that there’s a work to be done but most importantly, I learned things about myself, in order to advance the kingdom, there are some obstacles I have to remove. I am so glad that my life pivoted during this conference.”
Sister Renee — Kings Courts Ministries
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