Success Lies in the Balance

hoosing success rather than failure is a decision. There are many factors to choose from, and one of many marriage factors is what plan one will follow. This decision is not only vital but also is a foundational step towards the direction of one’s life. However, some people like us did not realize how big of a deal it was until we experienced hardships.

We had problems with how to handle different viewpoints, how to deal with clashing egos that result in miscommunication, and how to navigate our different opinions on money, to name a few. In our struggle, we understood that our approach needed to change. We recognized that our way was not working, and God’s way was better because it was proven.

By applying the plan found in Genesis 2:24, we are now in a better position to chart a path towards success. Although this pivot was not effortless, it was necessary for a better marriage. Interestingly, we matured and became closer together instead of being apart, which was refreshing. As we made the change, we believe that you can also align your success in God’s blueprint for marriage.

Read the details in Chapter 1 of our book, Making Love Work While Leading Your Family.

 Dr. Samuel and Dr. Drea Hayes


Samuel Hayes